Compassionate Self-Care
Online Course

Your roles are putting you under pressure, but - your brain can’t continue in “threat” mode forever, without you burning out. Time to integrate self-compassion into your life.

This is an online course, self-paced and not time-limited, so these valuable resources will always be available to you.

Nicola Harker coaching burnout symptoms empowerment coach workplace coaching how to build confidence stressed parent doctor stress compassion

Healthcare Providers

To be compassionate, you first have to learn compassion for yourself.

As a health professional, or carer, you’ve been under pressure for some time, and you know that you can’t pour from an empty cup. But how do you find the time to recharge your batteries?

This course is intentionally broken into small chunks, that you can complete in under 10 minutes.

Realistic and achievable chunks


Core skills, in 10 minutes

I will teach you the core skills of self-compassion, in a self-paced style that fits in with your busy lifestyle. All you need to do is commit to a regular 10 minutes for self-care.

As a doctor, I’m realistic about the challenges, and so I’ve made this course practical and easy to implement, highlighting the specific ways that you can use the skills during your working day.

As an ex-GP, I know the pressure you’re feeling.

Compassionate Self-care
For Healthcare Provivers

It’s time to learn how to soothe your nervous system and build a toolkit of resources that fit in with your busy life.

This online course is self-paced and not time-limited, so these valuable resources are always available to you.


Parents & Carers

Compassionate Self-Care for Parents

As a parent, it’s hard to stay calm, when your kids are pressing all your buttons! It’s also hard to model how to deal with difficult emotions if you’ve never been shown.

Nicola Harker coaching burnout symptoms empowerment coach workplace coaching how to build confidence stressed parent doctor stress compassion

You will learn:

  • About your tricky brain, and how to master it.

  • How to manage your inner critic

  • How to soothe yourself under pressure

  • How to deal with the shame storms that come with parenting.

  • Confidence in your ability to deal with difficult emotions.

  • Skills to share with your child.


Compassionate Self-care
For Parents & Carers

This short course will help you navigate your emotions, your feelings about being a parent, and even your fears about your kids.

This online course is self-paced and not time-limited, so these valuable resources are always available to you.