Dr Nicola Harker


Nicola Harker is a doctor, Compassion teacher, and an ICF-accredited Leadership Coach (ACC).

She particularly works with high achieving women who are fed up with “spinning plates”, not having the impact they wish, or at risk of burnout, although she happily works with clients of any gender.

As a doctor, she was frustrated by her own early attempts at leadership, and the lack of psychological support and training for front-line staff, which led her into further training in Coaching, Self-Compassion and Family Systems therapy.

Nicola helps clients to cultivate influence, overcome emotional and practical barriers, reconnect with their unique qualities and learn high performance habits to help them thrive. For those working to tackle the climate crisis, there are significant obstacles for which the skills of self-compassion are essential to avoid burnout, such as dealing with difficult emotions, tackling bias and injustice, and cultivating inner resilience. Nicola has an approachable and practical style, that helps her connect with audiences. She loves questions and totally understands the reservations people feel about self-compassion, and enjoys helping to bring this subject to audiences around the globe.

As a working Mum, and having worked in the NHS for over 20 years she has vast experience of the challenges of daily life and toxic working environments. She was a CCG Cancer Lead, a Macmillan GP Advisor, and taught Whole Person Care at Bristol University. Nicola has been featured in Psychologies Magazine, on Fox TV and regularly appears on podcasts. She blogs for the Psychologies online platform, and has been speaking about Compassionate Leadership since leaving the NHS in 2017.


Website:  www.nicolaharkercoaching.com

Linked in: www.linkedin.com/in/nicola-harker-coaching

Instagram: www.instagram.com/drnicolaharker

Youtube: @nicolaharker
